"The worst day I've had writing is better than the best day I ever had working in a factory..."
and also I feel the same way about acting that he seems to feel about writing:
"We writers stare into a variety of mirrors, studying the faces of people we don't yet know as we make them up, working to create a series of believable psychological profiles for a bunch of folks who don't really exist. I prefer it to life most of the time, as it's much safer and a whole lot easier. These 'people' all seem to be the same as us, unfortunately--my flaws become theirs and their wants and loves grow out of my own, and suddenly I'm surrounded by the same miserable, lovely, lonely, sad, terrific people that I was escaping from in the first place."
Beautiful. I love reading about people who are passionate about their work. If you write a blog, or read a blog, that's all about being passionate about the creative, send it to me. I'd love to spend my free time reading that instead of watching soul-less reality tv. I'm sorry "The Little Couple", you're adorable and cute...but we need to break up. I gots me some plays to read.
And scene. xx
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